Web and Sue Beadle’s garden – #39


Lot size: 2,400 sq. ft. front, 1,000 sq. ft. side, and 2,000 sq. ft. back gardens, 90% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in stages, beginning in 2008

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: 2

Showcase Feature

The showstopper here is the back garden, where water from the jacuzzi spills over a Three Rivers flagstone rock lip and into the inviting swimming pool, which is ideally situated to enjoy both the adjacent slope, with its beautiful suite of native plants, and the terrific view across the valley to Mt. Wanda.  Web was aware of the need to conserve water, and he fondly remembered the scent of sages from his boyhood, which was spent in the foothills above Pasadena.  Native and drought-tolerant plants were not far from his mind.  Shortly after Web and Sue bought the house, Roxy Wolosenko of Roxy Designs removed the lawn and camellias, and in their place planted three types of manzanita, four varieties of California lilac, and six kinds of sages, along with rosy buckwheat, deer grass, and a number of other colorful natives.


Other Garden Attractions

  • The front and side gardens are grazed by deer; what’s left are what they don’t eat.
  • Roxy Wolosenko will be at this garden from 10:00–1:00


Gardening for Wildlife

Owls nest in the tall trees behind the garden. Hummingbirds are attracted to the California fuchsia, bees adore the sages, and butterflies love the buckwheats.


Garden Talks

11:00 “Practical tips for installing drip irrigation in native plant gardens: Curious about how you can conserve water in your own garden?  This is the right place—bring your questions!” by Roxy Wolosenko

Plant List


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