Major Sponsors of the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour
Coast Live Oak ($17,000)
Contra Costa Clean Water Program
Buckeye ($10,000)
Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
Holly Leaf Cherry ($5,840)
Alameda County Fish and Game Commission
California Poppy ($5,500)
Contra Costa Water District
Hazelnut ($5,000)
California Native Plant Society (East Bay Chapter)
Mountain Mahogany ($3,750)Contra Costa County Fish and Wildlife Commission
Toyon ($3,000)
Bay Area Water Supply and Conservation Agency
Ocean Spray ($2,500)
Brian and Jennifer Dirking
Sage ($2,000)
EcoPerformance Builders
Douglas Iris ($1,500)
City of El Cerrito
City of Pittsburg
Pink Flowering Currant ($1,250)
Goldenrod ($1,000)
Anne Chambers and Ed McAlpine
City of Antioch
City of Walnut Creek
Glen and Connie Schneider
Ann Sorenson
Zone 7 Water Agency
Aster ($750)
Alameda County Water District
Wild Lilac ($500)
Sally Cahill
Dorothy Gregor
League of Women Voters of Berkeley, Albany, Emeryville
Livermore Municipal Water
Bill and Carrie McCormack
Claudia Miller
Elizabeth Nixon
Pacific Horticulture
The Yvonne and Melvin Rogow Memorial Fund
The Summer-Dry Project
Gold-backed Fern ($300)
Clytia and Joe Curley
Blue-eyed Grass ($250)
Barbara Feyerabend
William Freeman and Tiffany Treece
Kathleen Smith
Sorenson Vision
Lisa Stahr
Gumplant ($200)
Elizabeth (Betsy) King
Barbara Brandriff
William Freeman and Tiffany Treece
Annis and Nick Kukulan
William McCormack
Sue Mellers
Coyote Brush ($180)
Rebecca Sang
Purple needle grass ($150)
Natalie Forrest
Melissa Hayes
Andrea Matsushima
Pat Rudebusch
Lupine ($100)
In memory of Sue Duckles, from Steven Cochrane
In memory of Kathleen Gonzalez, from her daughter, Lisa Gonzalez
In memory of Vera Lis, from Robin Mitchell
In memory of William Marlow, Landscape Designer, from John Springer
Academically Speaking
Mary Ashby
Stephen Asztalos
Sabrina Bea
Nancy Beckman and Tom Bickley
Steven B Berger
Wendy Bernstein
Barbara Berry
Susan Billings
Annette Billingsley
Eleanor Blake
Val Blakely
Vivian Bobka
Jean Bogiages
Adriene and Barry Bosworth
Deb Briggs
Nathalie Brophy
Kristy Marcos Bueche
Diane Bush
Sally Cahill
Kathryn Choudhury
Linda Chapnick
Susan and Bert Collins
James Cunradi
Maureen Decombe
Martha DeWitt
Natalie Forrest
Barbara Gansmiller
Tatiana Garachtchenko
Carrie Gustafson
Joseph Heath
Patricia Kale
Charleen Kubota
Jean Hansen
Carol Hardesty
Roberta Hough
Karen Hunt
Thomas Jefferson
Alton Jelks
Rebecca Jennings
Christy Johnson
Lily Johnson
Margaret Johnson
Photography by Kemmeo
Eugene Kim
Deborah Kramer
Charleen Kubota
Erica Lee
Alice Lewin
Kit Little
Pamela Magnussen-Peddle
Anthony Martin
Jane Martin
Valerie Matzger
Arthur McCaughy
Mark and Helene McElyea
Lynn McGann
John MacLennan
Nick Mealy
Jenny Michael and Craig Valentine
Claudia Miller
Kate Miller
Robin Mitchell
Monya Lane
Marty Morrow
Susan Munroe
Denise Murphy
Marie Narlock
Rosemary Neilan
Amy and John Olson
Barbara Ouellet
Joan Pont
Eric Rasmussen
Steve Reidman
Margit Roos-Collins
Sue Rosenthal
Norman Rossman
Susan Rubio
Orsolya Salzberg
Misty Schmidt
Anne Severs
John Shearer
Vanessa Sheirich
Judith Sherwood
Sabrina Siebert
Jim and Jennifer Spinello
Jerilynn Stark
Laura Stevens
Barbara Stratton
Sandra Tichner
Charles Thurston
Angela Tucker
April Uohara
Louise Velazquez
Jean Vieth
Norma Wallace
Rochelle Wheeler
Rebecca White
Jordan Wilkerson
Kelly Woodard
Susan Worden
Thank you, Community Partners!
Golden Gate Audubon Society
City of Berkeley’s Office of Energy and Sustainable Development: Rebecca Milliken
Marise Phillips
Ruchlis Videography
Rachel Styer
Sustainable Contra Costa
Special thanks to Golden Gate Audubon, especially to Executive Director Glenn Phillips, for help with this year’s Tour!
Thank you to Saxon Holt Photography for providing the use of his beautiful photographs of native plant gardens. To see more of Saxon’s native plant photos, visit PhotoBotanic’s California Native Plant Galleries.
Many, many thanks to our amazing volunteers! More than 150 volunteers have helped to make this tour a success. The tour couldn’t be run without you!
Web design by Michael May, May Technology Consulting,; Garden guide layout by Monica Alatorre, (510) 932-1702; Graphics by Valerie Kells from The Natural History of Big Sur