Terry Blair and Dave Smith’s garden – #37


Lot size: 1170 sq. ft. front garden, 95% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in stages, beginning in 2011

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: New this year!

Showcase Feature

Long-time Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour participants Terry and Dave knew what they wanted in a garden.  Shortly after purchasing the house Terry and Dave removed the dead lawn, junipers, and weeds from their sloping front yard.  Terry designed the garden, and she and Dave installed a suite of native plants that could cope with Martinez’ summer heat and the wind.  An oak will provide shade when mature. California lilac and sages create a privacy screen. Seven types of sages were selected (white, purple, San Diego, Winifred Gilman, hummingbird, Great Basin, and Pozo blue) and five kinds of California lilac (Yankee Point, Blue Jeans, Julia Phelps, Maritimus Valley Violet, and Emily Brown).  Rosy buckwheats flourish in the garden, and they move about, finding places that suit them.

Other Garden Attractions

  • The dry creek bed carries water from the downspout, and through the garden.
  • Weeds are hand-pulled.
  • Hungry gophers require that all of the plants be planted in wire baskets.

Gardening for Wildlife

Carpenter bees are fond of the sages, bumblebees love the poppies, and mason bees buzz about.  Lizards bask on the rocks, and doves enjoy the poppy seeds. Jays plant acorns, and baby oaks are springing up on Terry and Dave’s lot. Poppies are left to go to seed to provide food for the towhees and doves. A much-used bird bath brings in winged visitors. Terry and Dave keep their cat indoors to protect the birds.

Plant list


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