Nancy McKee-Jolda and Robert Jolda’s garden   ♿️


Lot size: 670 sq. ft. front garden, 80% native, 770 sq. ft. back garden, 45% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in stages, beginning in 2011

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: 4

Showcase Feature

Inspired by the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour, Nancy and Robert sheetmulched their front lawn away, then designed their own native plant garden. Not satisfied with the result, three years later they found a designer who specialized in creating native plant gardens who reimagined the garden—adding raised beds to provide drainage and visual interest, moving plants to places where they were happier, grouping plants by water needs, and, ultimately, creating the charming, colorful, pesticide-free and water-conserving garden you see today.

Other Garden Attractions
• Water use has been reduced since the lawn was removed.
• The back garden, which contains a mix of edibles, non-native ornamentals and natives, will also be open for viewing.

Gardening for Wildlife
The Jolda’s wanted to provide habitat for wildlife, and they knew that California native plants are better at providing food, shelter, and nesting areas for local bees, butterflies, and birds than plants from Australia, South Africa, and the Mediterranean. It worked! Songbirds enjoy the plants of varying heights, and the berries on the thimbleberry, huckleberry, and coffeeberry. Hummingbirds adore the hummingbird sage. Sphinx moths flutter through the garden, as do a variety of butterflies. Bees visit the clarkias. Birds and native bees sip water from the birdbath.

Wondering what to make for dinner? Try this great recipe!
Note from Nancy: This is a super delicious dish! And, as you can tell, many of the ingredients can be grown in our Bay Area Gardens!
Zesty Kale & Sweet Potato Bowl

Front garden plant list

Back garden plant list


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