Lessly Field’s garden


Lot size: 200 sq. ft., front garden, 95% native, and 300 sq. ft., side garden, 60% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in the fall of 2007

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: New this year!

Showcase Feature
Got a small, sunny, flat garden? Wish it was planted with natives? Like yellow and blue? If so, this is the garden for you! Prior to its transformation, this garden consisted of periwinkle, bird-of-paradise, and red camellias. Encouraged  by her mother to plant natives, Lessly worked with Pete Veilleux of East Bay Wilds to create a low-maintenance, water-conserving garden. The result? A lacy California lilac softens the lines of the house, and the coast silk tassel provides  structure and height. The heady blend of creamy yarrow, lavender seaside daisy, orange and scarlet monkeyflower is a visual delight. In spring, annuals, such as tidy tips, yellow lupine, and clarkia spill exuberantly over the sidewalk.

Field05Other Garden Attractions

• Although dense plantings discourage weeds, persistent weeds are controlled with…persistent weeding.
• This garden receives water about three times a year.
• Mostly-native side garden, planted with currants, California lilac and lupine creates an attractive privacy screen. The berm provides drainage.

Gardening for WildlifeField04
Dense plantings of natives provide nectar and pollen for butterflies and moths.

Native Plants Sold

East Bay Wilds will sell native plants.

List of the native plants for sale at Lessly Field’s garden

Lessly Field’s Plant List


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