Laura Cornett and Brad Buehler’s garden ♿️


Lot size: 560 sq. ft. front garden, 90% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in the spring of 2014

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: 4

Showcase Feature
A sheet mulching workshop held at neighbor Dixie Finley’s house inspired Laura to sheet mulch her own lawn away. The charming woodland garden that took its place was designed by Laura, and installed by Laura and her husband, Brad. Now that their garden is established, Brad and Laura’s water use has dropped by more than 60%.

Shade-loving plants, such as California bee plant, coffeeberry, canyon gooseberry, and two species of currant- evergreen and golden, flourish under the shelter of the existing tree. Sun-lovers, including coyote mint, four species of buckwheat, and California fuchsia are planted on the perimeter of the garden, where they can catch more rays.

Other Garden Attractions
• This water-conserving garden is watered once a week, via point-source drip.
• From spring through early summer sprays of the diminutive urn-shaped flowers of the coral bells sway in the breeze, delighting visiting hummingbirds.
• The scent of six varieties of native sage waft on the breeze.
• Weeds are pulled by hand; no pesticides are used in this—or any!—Tour garden.

Gardening for Wildlife
This garden was designed as a place for wildlife. Hermit thrushes and flickers forage for insects in the leaf litter, and black crowned night herons have nested in the garden. Native bees adore the California lilac and poppies. The California fuchsia, with its profusion of orange tubular flowers, is visited by hummingbirds. Butterflies and native bees enjoy the sages. Five types of buckwheat (rosy, giant, California, cliff, and ashy-leaf), provide nectar to butterflies, pollen to native bees, and seeds to birds.

Plant list


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