Lot size: 2,200 sq. ft. front garden, 350 sq. ft. side garden, and 3,700 sq. ft. back garden, 80% native
Garden Age: Garden was installed in stages, beginning in 2005
Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: New this year!
Showcase Feature
It was with fortitude that Judy and Rod faced their challenges: ivy, a steep slope, a lot of shade, and the need to remove nineteen trees, including acacias, eucalyptus, and cedars. The lovely garden Judy designed (with help from several landscapers) and Judy and Rod installed, proves that perseverance pays off. In the inspirational back garden three towering oaks and an understory of Douglas iris, flowering currant, coral bells, and California fescue create a tranquil feel. Narrow paths and a flagstone stairway provide access to the steep hillside, and lead to a gazebo with an attractive custom-made railing and a terrific view of Mt. Tamalpais. This garden is steep. (Did we say that already?) Wear comfortable walking shoes, and watch your step.
Other Garden Attractions
- Judy keeps weeds at bay by placing leaves and wood chips around the plants, and hand-pulling weeds as soon as they are seen. Judy notes that the garden is now nearly weed-free.
- Apricot, plum, pluot, and fig trees flourish in the back garden, along with raspberries, olallieberries, and boysenberries.
Gardening for Wildlife
The diversity of plant heights attracts birds, as do the plants that are left to go to seed, which provide food for wildlife.
Garden Talks
11:00 and 2:00 “Coping with clay: how to loosen compacted soil, compost and mulch, improve drainage, and encourage plant health” by Jacqueline Sarratt
Plants for Sale
Native plants grown by Judy and Rod (including clarkia, coral bells, fringe cups, sedum, and poppies) will be available in exchange for donations.