Jean Halford’s garden – #27


Lot size: 2,000 sq. ft. back garden, 70% native

Garden Age: Garden was installed in the spring of 2013

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: 2

Showcase Feature

This inviting, cheerful, and peaceful garden is just what Jean, a birder, wanted—a garden that would attract wildlife and bloom throughout the year.  A gracefully meandering Arizona flagstone path wends through the garden; yellow moss rock boulders provide visual interest.  The garden, which packs a lot into a small space, was designed by Roxy Wolosenko, and installed by Roxy Designs.


Other Garden Attractions

  • Raised planting beds provide the drainage that most natives need.
  • Drop down in one of the many comfortable, shaded seating areas to enjoy this lovely garden and the magnificent view across the valley.
  • Roxy Wolosenko will be at this garden from 1:30–5:00 to answer questions.




Gardening for Wildlife

Drawn by the sound of water cascading in the fountain, the suet, seed, and peanut feeders, the snag (a dead tree tied to the fence just for birds to perch on), nesting boxes, bird baths, and the variety of native plants that provide seeds and nectar, more than 50 species of birds have been seen in or above this garden, including Coopers, sharp-shinned, and red-tailed hawks; acorn, Nuttall’s, and downy woodpeckers; barn and great-horned owls; white-tailed kites, quail, pine siskins, a pair of rufous-crowned sparrows, flickers, ash-throated fly catchers, and Bullock’s orioles, among others.


Garden Talks
2:00 “Practical tips for installing drip irrigation in native plant gardens: Curious about how you can conserve water in your own garden? This is the right place—bring your questions!” by Roxy Wolosenko

Plant list


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