Lot size: 6,735 sq. ft. back garden, 60% native
Garden Age: Garden was installed in 2017
Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: New this year!
Showcase Feature
This shady garden, once home to a large lawn, ivy (which was engulfing the oaks), and privets, was redesigned by Julie Lienert of Roxy Designs, and installed by Roxy Designs. The resulting water-conserving garden, paid for in part by a $2,600 rebate from the East Bay Municipal Utility District, now features a reduced lawn (half of it was removed) bordered by raised, wide garden beds that both provide the drainage most natives need and contain a blend of native and Mediterranean-climate plants.
Other Garden Attractions
• No pesticides are used in this—or any!—Tour garden.
• The garden is heavily mulched to discourage weeds; those that get through are hand-pulled.
• The East branch of Green Valley Creek borders the back of the garden.
• Moss rock boulders provide visual interest.
• Drop down in one of the many seating areas in the garden and enjoy this peaceful oasis.
Gardening for Wildlife
Hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies are attracted by the sound of falling water in the pondless fountain, and the diversity of plant heights—from towering old walnuts and oaks to medium height redbuds, silk tassel, and Pacific wax myrtle, to large shrubs, such as bush anemone and coffeeberry, and on down to the smaller hummingbird sage, coral bells, woodland strawberry, and more.
12:00 and 2:00 “Practical tips for installing drip irrigation in native plant gardens: Curious about how you can conserve water in your own garden? This is the right place—bring your questions!” by Roxy Wolosenko