Anni Jensen and Carol Manahan’s garden – #4


Lot size: 5,000 square feet

Garden Age: Native garden was installed in stages, beginning in 1997

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: 5

Showcase Feature 

This gorgeous, colorful, twenty-year-old water-conserving native plant garden shows how a plain landscape can be transformed into a beautiful oasis as attractive to wildlife as it is to people. An abundance of wildflowers, including buttercups, suncups, Phacelia, gilia, and twelve types of clarkia bloom in the spring. Natives can also be found in the back garden, which is otherwise dedicated to a wide variety of edibles and plants attractive to birds and insects.

Other Garden Attractions

  • Read Anni’s essay The Garden Before Us which describes the history of the garden site since 1750.
  • Ask about the fruit-tree watering Laundry to Landscape greywater system
  • To see photographs and find out more about Anni and Carol’s top pollinator plants, favorite fragrant plants, all of the native plants they grow, wildlife, art in their garden, and more, see
  • You can also access information on the plants from QR codes that will be found on the garden’s plant labels on the day of the Tour.

Gardening for Wildlife 

Butterflies and leaf cutter, bumblebees, green sweat, and carpenter bees, as well as many types of birds, have been seen in the garden, drawn by the multitude of nectar and pollen producing native flowers, tall shrubs that provide shelter, and the bare patches of ground left for native bees to nest in.

Talks in the Garden
3:00 “Native flowers and foliage for fragrance” by Carol Manahan

Music in the Garden

11:00 Start the day off with a morning raga on sitar and sarod, performed by Richard Morrison.

Art in the Garden

Christina Barrett will sell her whimsical and colorful ceramic garden art “bamboozles”.

Don’t miss the new ceramic pipevine step decorations and handmade glazed tile tabletop, with its impressions of six native plants, the hammered garden gate copper relief sculpture, and soldered copper pipe trellises, all made by Carol.

The three colorful mosaic wall pieces, including a series on the planets, were created by Anni’s sister, Birgit Adonis, from broken dishes donated by friends.


Native plant list


Click to see as a slideshow: