Maggie Owens' garden

El Sobrante

Garden Lot size: 6,600 square feet

Years on the "Bringing Back the Natives" Garden Tour: Native garden was installed in 2002.

Showcase feature: Extensive lawns in the front and back yard were removed, and “the roses were given away to people who loved them.” The front garden, designed and installed by Maggie and her family, is now an attractive, low-maintenance, water conserving habitat for wildlife. A number of the plants in this garden, including the willow hedge and California lilac, were started by Maggie from seeds or cuttings. Come and see what an artistic and enthusiastic gardener can do with a small front garden!


© Saxon Holt Photography

Other garden attractions:


Gardening for Wildlife: The backyard, a riot of colorful flowers, will also be open for viewing.

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