Al and Barbara Kyte’s garden


Lot size: 8,500 square feet, 90% native

Garden Age: Native garden was planted in stages, beginning in the early 1970’s

Years on the Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour: 3

Showcase feature: This lovely, low-maintenance garden illustrates how a typical suburban lot can be transformed into a landscape with a natural, woodsy feel. You are invited to access the front garden by walking between two 15-foot vine maples, up a dry stream bed, and through a manzanita-based chaparral that remains attractive throughout the year. In the back yard, trails lead through a varied, open woodland to a twenty-five foot long stream that tumbles down through off-set falls, a meander, and a shallow riffle/bird beach area before spilling into a fish and turtle pond.


Other garden attractions:


Gardening for Wildlife: Bird houses, suet and seed feeders, bird baths, and a shallow stream riffle, brush piles and dust bath areas, and abundant plant cover have attracted over 90 species of birds, including California thrashers, western tanagers, and black-throated gray warblers. Rock outcroppings, wood piles, and sandy areas for egg-laying add habitat for western fence and alligator lizards. Sharp-tailed snakes reside in this garden and gopher snakes frequently pass through.

Garden Talks: 12:00 and 3:00 “Concepts that Guided My Landscaping” by Al Kyte

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