© Saxon Holt Photography

Anni Jensen and Carol Manahan's garden


Garden Lot size: 5,000 square feet

Years gardened at this location (Gardening Experience): 11 years (29 years)

Showcase feature: This eclectic mixture of California natives, ornamentals, fruits, and vegetables is a riot of spring color. Designed and installed by the gardeners, this diverse garden contains 130 species of native plants and hundreds more species of ornamentals and edibles. The parking strips, front and side gardens receive no summer water (except for first-year plants and a young redbud). The coastal prairie plants were selected because they might have grown on this site when the Huchiun Indians lived in their nearby village along Wildcat Creek.

© Saxon Holt Photography

Other garden attractions:

© Saxon Holt Photography

Gardening for Wildlife: Seeds, bramble thickets, and a birdbath and mister make this garden as attractive to wildlife as it is to people. Hummers love the “hummingbird buffet”, and spend their days flitting back and forth between the buffet and the native grassland. Sixteen species of butterflies have been seen in the garden, which contains numerous butterfly larval plants and more than twenty species of nectar plants. The gardeners pride themselves on having created a "bug paradise."

Native plant-related items sold/given away: The California Natives Plant Society will sell native plant reference books and memberships. Join CNPS today and be entered in a drawing to receive a free landscape consultation!

Plant list

Butterfly list

Top 20 Hummingbird plant list

Food Plant list for beneficial insects

Essay on the past landscape

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