Sue Duckles and Cherie Donahue’s garden


Garden Lot size: 2/3 acre on two adjacent lots

Years gardened at this location (Gardening Experience): The restoration began in 1993 on Cherie’s lot, and in 2002 on Sue’s.

Showcase feature: The marvelous restoration project sisters Sue and Cherie (who own adjoining properties) have embarked on required removing the ivy that had invaded their parents’ original native garden, enshrouded the slope, and was strangling the majestic oaks and redwoods. Now local natives such as huckleberry, ginger, iris, and false solomon’s seal are reappearing on their own.


Other garden attractions:


Gardening for Wildlife: Sue and Cherie report that they can’t keep wildlife out – “If you plant it, they will come!” Among the list of birds they have seen are Stellar’s jays, Western scrub jays, red tailed hawks, mourning doves, great horned owls, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, tanagers, finches, wrens and robins. Deer freely browse this wildlife-friendly garden; raccoon, skunks and opossum are also frequent visitors.

Garden Talks: 12:00 “Sudden Oak Death: What it is, and how to prevent it” by Janice Alexander, from the California Oak Mortality Task Force.

Plants sold or given away: Native bleeding heart (Dicentra formosa) will be available in exchange for donations; proceeds will be used to support the tour.

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