Meg McShannic and David Wallace's Garden
Walnut Creek
Gardening experience: Native garden was installed one year ago
Garden size: 1/4 acre
Showcase feature: This former flat sea of Bermuda grass was transformed by Michael Thilgen and his team at Four Dimensions Landscape Company into a private, sunny California native, sunny meadow in the front, and a serene “secret garden” in the back. This low maintenance, low water-consuming garden with a country feel was just what Meg and David wanted; now that is has been “transformed,” Meg reports that the garden has been used more in the past year than in the previous fifteen.
Other garden attractions:
- Grading for a stone patio in the rear generated enough soil to build a berm near the busy, noisy road in front. The berm is topped with a new fence of recycled grapestake and soon will be covered with screening shrubs, completing a transition from an exposed front yard to a secluded entry garden.
- The flat site presented challenges for storm water drainage. The solution includes keeping water onsite to gradually soak into the soil, recharging groundwater reserves, and lessening erosive impact on local creeks.
- Bubbling boulder fountain enhances the peaceful feeling of this garden.
- A tree that was removed became a bench and stump seat.
- Flagstone patio and curving seating area provide space for entertaining.
- Summer watering will be reduced or eliminated after the first year or two.
- The old grapestake fence was reused to make this quirky, attractive enclosure.
Gardening for wildlife: Dense shrubbery, the diversity of plant heights, trees for perching, and the fountain all provide shelter and water for wildlife.
Native Plants for Sale or Free: The California Native Plant Society will be selling native plant reference books and posters.