Michael Escobar's Garden
Walnut Creek
Gardening experience: 17 years, 8 years at this location
Garden size: 11,000 square-foot
Showcase feature: Wide native garden beds border the reduced lawns; a fountain near the front door adds the sound of splashing water to attract wildlife. The back garden, which contains expansive curving garden beds around a lawn big enough for active children to play on, also contains a pond, waterfall, and fountain. You won’t want to miss this garden, which welcomes both people and wildlife equally and warmly.

Other garden attractions:
- Weeds are controlled with corn gluten and pulled by hand or burned.
- The lawns are fertilized organically with compost, kelp, and fish or bone meal.
- Dense plantings outcompete weeds; reduced lawns conserve water.
- Check out the unbelievable list of wildlife Michael has seen in this suburban haven.

Gardening for Wildlife: Food, shelter, and nesting areas are provided for creatures large and small. Larger feathered visitors are kept happy by the five bird feeders containing seed, and one containing suet. Hummingbirds are attracted to the tubular nectar plants and a feeder. Plants with seeds, nectar, and fruit provide food for the insects, birds, and mammals. Three bird nest boxes, dense grasses, rock piles, and brush tangles provide shelter and nesting areas for wildlife. Thirty-six species of birds have been seen in this garden, and seventeen species of butterflies. Pacific chorus frogs found the pond by themselves. These tiny frogs are now joined by western toads, slender salamanders, and western fence lizards. Ten species of bees also frequent the garden.
Garden Talks: 11:00 and 2:00 "How to remove your lawn and create a garden that attracts birds and butterflies" by Michael Escobar