Rick Goodwin and Frank Diaz’ Garden


Gardening experience: Rick began incorporating natives into the garden seven years ago.

Lot size: 200 sq. ft. front garden, 60 sq. ft. parking strip, 70% native

Showcase feature: Rick, who designed and installed this garden, removed the lawn and replaced it with Point Molate fescue, which he planted from seed. He now mows and waters once a year; if this sounds appealing to you, check this garden out! In addition to the attractive green "lawn," this small garden is a riot of color in the spring. Plants placed in the borders and pots include the fried egg plant (which attracts beneficial hoverflies), sneeze weed from Albany Hill, bright pink clarkias, lavender seaside daisy, creamy pearly everlasting, and blue-eyed grass.


Other garden attractions:


Gardening for Wildlife: Allowing plants to go to seed, mulching with clipped plant material, and the placement of a number of rocks that provide hiding places for tiny creatures has brought a plethora of wildlife to this small garden. Pacific chorus frogs and newts call this urban oasis home. A variety of birds, including black phoebes, bushtits, chickadees, American and lesser gold finches, and hooded orioles stop by for berries and seeds. Butterflies, caterpillars, and bees are welcome visitors.

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