Rolland Mathers and Jennifer Adler's Garden


Gardening experience: 3 years at this location

Garden size: 150 square-foot front garden, 300 square-foot back garden, 75% native

Showcase feature: Three years ago, the Kikuyu grass lawn was scraped out and a native grassland, designed and installed by Rolland Mathers of Shelterbelt Builders and his partner Jennifer Adler, was planted in the small front garden. It’s hard to believe, but there are more than 30 species of native in this small space! In spring, the front garden is pink and purple with blossoms from checkerbloom, seaside daisy, blue-eyed grass, and Douglas iris. The half-dozen types of native grasses wave gracefully over a groundcover of native strawberry. This low-maintenance garden receives no supplemental water.


Other garden attractions:

Gardening for wildlife: Salamanders, Jerusalum crickets, bees from the neighbor’s hive, and many birds are seen here. In the front garden, falcons keep their eyes peeled for unwary pigeons.


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