Ann and Paul Kasameyer's Garden


Gardening experience: The native garden is two years old.

Garden size: 2,040 square-foot front gardon only on Tour

Showcase feature: Inspired by the first Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour, Ann and Paul asked Alrie Middlebrook of Middlebrook Gardens to design and install and allergy-free California native plant garden. Ann and Paul's favorite part of the garden is a dry meandering stream bed containing mixed cobble and scattered rushes. Undulating raised berms provide drainage for low-growing manzanita and California lilac groundcovers. Native grape softens the fenceline.


Other garden attractions:


Gardening for Wildlife: Logs and boulders provide shelter for wildlife.

Garden Talks: The designer, Alrie Middlebrook, will be available from 12:30 – 2:30 to discuss how she worked with Ann and Paul to design the garden, review the problems they encountered, and describe the merits of the plants that were installed. Bring photos of your own gardens to obtain design advice and plant recommendations!

Plant list


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