Debra Shushan's Garden
El Cerrito
Gardening experience: 9 years total, 3 years at this location
Garden size: 2,500 square-foot backyard and small front garden on Tour
Showcase feature: Debra designed this garden to be low-maintenance, provide color throughout the year, to tolerate wind and to attract beneficial insects. Once a sea of weeds and oddly placed thirsty plants, a beautiful selection of pink and cream flowering buckwheats now graces one side of the garden. A gently winding path invites visitors to explore a variety of natives and ornamentals now grouped by water needs. The garden was installed by family, friends, and Rick Alatorre Garden Design.
Other garden attractions:
- Soil removed from the French drain project was used to create berms; the raised beds provide drainage and visual interest.
- Selecting drought-resistant plants was a priority.
- Cardboard covered by mulch keeps the weeds at bay.
Gardening for Wildlife: Many of the plants were chosen to attract wildlife. Hummingbirds appeared en masse when California fuschia, penstemon, yarrow, flowering currant, and sages were put in. Caterpillars and monarchs appeared as soon as the milkweeds were added. Birds, butterflies, and hoverflies enjoy birdbaths placed for them throughout the yard.
Garden Talks: 11:00 and 2:00 "How to Design and Choose Plants for a Low Maintenance Native Plant Garden"