Christine Meuris' Garden
Gardening experience: Garden was begun 4 years ago
Garden size: 900 sq. foot back garden only on Tour
Showcase feature: The design for this intimate, charming, and child-friendly garden was inspired by the majestic buckeye that set the theme for this shady oasis. The airy gazebo, with its intriguing and attractive salvaged windows, welcoming hammock (nestled in a corner and surrounded by waving bunchgrasses and flowering currant), and child's swing attest to the use this garden receives.

Other garden attractions:
- Existing cement path was broken out—cement was also collected from construction projects—and re-used to make raised beds that improved poor drainage.
- Reduced lawn allows more space for graceful paths that lead one through the garden.
- The glossy green leaves of the creeping California wild lilac make a beautiful ground-cover.
- Ceanothus "Ray Hartman" and elderberry create a living screen between the garden and adjacent park.
- Garden is mulched to reduce weeds; those that get through are pulled by hand.
Gardening for wildlife: Swallowtail and painted lady butterflies, hummingbirds, finches, juncos, towees, and woodpeckers are attracted to the native grape and elderberries, the flowers on the buckeye, and the groundcovers, shrubs, and trees of varying heights.