Catherine Bronnert DeSchepper and Brett DeSchepper's Garden
Gardening experience: Total 2 years at this location
Garden size: 280 sq. ft. front garden only on Tour; 99% native
Showcase feature: This postage stamp-sized garden is a shining example of what one can do with a series of small spaces. A pleasing palate of pink currant, ninebark, oso berry, and creek dogwood grace the north-facing side of the garden, with patches of mist maidens, Douglas iris, and Hardford’s melic grass accenting the margins where dappled light falls. In the sunnier areas, San Francisco and Dr. Hurd manzanita (potted) add structure, while monkeyflower, Cleveland sage, buckwheat, tar plant, and seaside daisy offer color and fragrance. The more than 40 species of native plants found in this garden provide year-round color. The garden was installed and designed by Rick Alatorre, of Alatorre Design.

Other garden attractions:
- To combat the oxalis and Bermuda grass, the garden was cleared, then covered with five layers of cardboard and eight inches of recycled tree trimmings.
- The small median strip in the driveway has been converted to a small meadow with Brodiaea, checkerbloom, and wildflowers greening an often over-looked space in home gardens.
- Three Rivers flagstone provides access across the parking strip.
- A simple drip system supplies the necessary water to establish the plants. Once established, this garden will receive little or no summer water.
- Don’t miss the traffic circle planted with 100% natives and maintained by neighbors, located at the intersection of Grant and Allston.
Gardening for wildlife: Although small and still new, the garden is attracting a growing number of insects, with caterpillars caterpillaring, hummingbirds darting, and butterflies fluttering about the garden.