Roy and Carolyn West’s Garden


Gardening experience: 14 years

Years gardened at this location: 14 years

Size: 5,000 square feet

Showcase feature:An elegant rock garden has been created from a former lawn sliced by red cement walkways and adorned with four junipers pruned into balls. Included in this collector's garden, which was designed by David Bigham, and is currently maintained by Pete Veilleux, are many varieties of manzanita, five kinds of buckwheat, and a mountain mahogany of which there are only seven individuals left in the wild (grown from cuttings collected in a garden). The back garden, designed "to allow a child to run amuck in it," contains a beautiful lawn (no herbicides used here!) surrounded by a wide border of natives, as well as a selection of roses.

© Saxon Holt Photography

Other garden attractions:


Gardening for Wildlife: For a month in summer, the front garden soaproot meadow is glorious, with clouds of orchid-like flowers covered with delighted bumblebees. Several species of salamanders are at home in the garden, as are numerous species of butterflies and bees.

Plants sold or given away: Native plants, reference books, posters, and Garden Tour t-shirts will be sold by the California Native Plant Society.

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