Thornhill Elementary School Garden
5880 Thornhill Drive, Oakland
Gardening experience: Native plant garden was installed in stages, beginning three years ago
Garden size: 300 x 100 foot sidewalk strip
Showcase feature: : A once institutionally-planted sidewalk strip has been transformed into a beautifully landscaped slope containing 80% California natives mixed with deer-resistant and butterfly-attracting plants. Children love hiking the meandering earthen trail through the garden. The native red fescue grass lawn, reminiscent of a Sierra meadow, has held up well to the extreme kid traffic. Designed by Susan Harder of Succulent Designs, the garden was installed by children and is maintained by Moms. This is a school garden that should be emulated many times over.

Other garden attractions:
- Ohlone garden contains tules, cattails, willows, native grasses and some years a tule house. This area is used as a learning laboratory, and especially enhances the third grade Native American studies.
- Lush native grape graces the fence behind the Ohlone garden.
- A series of native plant tiles created by children are found near the gate.

Gardening for Wildlife: The wildest life in this garden are the children who enjoy it daily while walking to and from school.
Directions: From Highway 13, exit at Thornhill and turn east on Thornhill, toward the hills. Continue 0.3 miles and turn right onto Gouldin. Continue 0.1 mile and look for the small sign for the church on the right. There is a one-way entrance and exit. Walk across the parking lot to the St. John's Episcopal Church garden, and walk one minute more to Thornhill Elementary School.
Parking: Park immediately upon turning right into the church parking lot. The St. John's Episcopal Church garden is right in front of you. Wendy Dutton's garden is across the parking lot from the church garden; Thornhill Elementary School's garden is a one-minute walk away.