St. John's Episcopal Church Garden
1701 Gouldin, Oakland
Gardening experience: 5 years at this location
Garden size: 2,500 square-foot
Showcase feature: This serene, peaceful, tear-drop shaped meditation garden was created from an area formerly encased in ivy and periwinkle. Stone and wooden benches and a burbling fountain invite visitors to rest and relax. This lovely shade garden was designed by Corinne Louise Greenberg, MA, of Corinne Louise Design and installed by church members and Roots and Shoots Landscaping.
Other garden attractions:
- This unfenced garden is browsed constantly by deer; these plants are what the deer don't like.
- The plants had drip irrigation when they were installed, but now get watered once a month in summer. (Underground seeps keep it lush.)
- An island of native bunchgrasses and a statuesque maple define the path.
- Wendy Dutton's garden is located across the parking lot from the church garden, Thornhill Elmentary School's garden is a one-minute walk away.
Gardening for Wildlife: In addition to the pre-school dancers who frequent the garden, this inviting oasis is visited by many, many deer, and some skunks.
Directions: From Highway 13, exit at Thornhill and turn east, toward the hills. Continue 0.3 miles and turn right onto Gouldin. Continue 0.1 mile and look for the small sign for the church on the right. There is a one-way entrance and exit. Walk across the parking lot to Wendy Dutton's house, and walk one minute more to Thornill Elementary School.
Parking: Park immediately upon turning right into the parking lot. Overflow parking is available at Thornhill Elementary School.