Sue and Julio Kaplan's Garden
El Cerrito
Gardening experience: Native garden was installed in August 2005
Garden size: 100' x 20' square foot front garden only on tour
Showcase feature: This whimsical art garden, created with items discovered on Sue and Julio's garage sale expeditions, includes a large collection of bowling balls now used to demarcate garden beds. The garden, which includes a cozy seating area shaded with an arbor and planted with native grape, was designed and installed by Rick Alatorre of Alatorre Garden Design.

Other garden attractions:
- Thick mulch suppresses weeds and conserves water.
- Flagstone path meanders through the garden.

Gardening for Wildlife: Log piles, the varying heights of plants, and leaf litter left on the ground provide safe havens for wildlife. Lizards, butterflies, hummingbirds, native bees, and deer are often seen in this garden. Watching from her office, Sue enjoys seeing the birds busy at the feeder and enjoying their birdbath.