Canyon Trail Park

El Cerrito

Years gardened at this location: 1.5 years

Size: 2,000 square feet

Showcase feature: 100 species of plants native to this site, or from nearby watersheds, have been grown from seed collected from relict populations and planted in this marvelous restoration project. A meandering path wanders through patches of buttercups, gracefully swaying bunchgrass, and beautiful clusters of flowering lupine.


Other garden attractions:


Gardening for Wildlife: A spring-fed pond, which has been planted with local riparian native plants, is home to a large, loud, and happy population of Pacific chorus frogs. Yampah, the native host plant of the swallowtail butterfly, awaits winged visitors. Phoebes nest in the area, and many other species of birds are seen here, as are butterflies, native bees, and dragonflies. Ring-neck snakes call the park home.

Garden Talk: "The Canyon Trail Restoration Project" by Jim McKissock, and "Canyon Trail Park's Native American Petroglyph" by Leigh Marymor will be given throughout the day.

Plant Sale: Terrestrial and riparian plants and seeds from local stock will be available for sale. Proceeds from the sale will be given to the Canyon Trail Fund.

Directions: Traveling North exit I 80 at Potrero Avenue and continue straight one block to San Pablo Ave. Turn left onto San Pablo Avenue and go through three stop lights; at the fourth light turn East (right) onto MacDonald Avenue.*
Traveling South on I-80 take the San Pablo Ave. exit and proceed south down San Pablo Ave to MacDonald Avenue. Turn east (left) onto MacDonald.*
*Proceed uphill four blocks. Turn right onto the fourth block, which is Conlon Street. Proceed past Cedar, which is on the left. Canyon Trail Park is located down Conlon about 200 feet on the second block, on the left (uphill side of the street), at the bend in the road.

Native Plant list

Wildlife list

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