Alameda Butterfly Habitat Garden


Years gardened at this location: 4 years

Lot size: half acre total; 60’ x 60’ garden; 100’ x 60’ meadow

Showcase feature: This delightful half acre butterfly sanctuary, located on the grounds of Bay Farm Elementary School, was designed to provide food and shelter for larval and adult butterflies. Don't miss the child-made stepping-stone mosiacs and signage. This garden, a riot of spring color, attracts butterflies and children alike.


Other garden attractions:


Gardening for Wildlife: Butterflies, moths, and bees love this garden and the plants selected specifically to attract them! Thirteen species of butterflies have been seen here, as have a variety of bees. To attract them, nectar and host plants for the butterflies have been thoughtfully chosen, a fountain and birdbath provide water, and rotting logs and thickets provide shelter from strong winds and predators. As many butterflies over winter as pupae (not adults), the gardeners are cautious when pruning host plants (where butterflies lay their eggs and larvae feed during the cool weather). The bird population has grown in proportion to the growth of the plants, which provide thickets and shelter for dozens of birds.

Garden Talks: 11:00, 12:30, and 2:00 "How to Create A Butterfly Habitat Garden Using Waterwise Natives" by Marla Lee

Plants sold or given away: Butterfly-attracting plants and butterfly-shaped baked goods and native-themed art donated by Girl Scouts and students will be sold. Proceeds will benefit the garden.

Plant list

Butterfly list

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