Robbie Brandwynne and Robin Freeman’s Garden
Gardening experience: 16 years
Years gardened at this location: going native for last 5 years
Lot size: 2,500 square feet
Showcase feature: This modest garden wraps around an 1886 Victorian. A redwood, planted in 1899 in honor of a special birthday and currently watered by the downspout, shades part of the front garden. A coast live oak, big leaf maple, bay laurel, and flannel bush thrive as native overstory. Sculptures created by local artists occupy the other half of the front garden. A variety of native plants were selected for their color, scent, wildlife support, local origins, and low-maintenance qualities. Recycled materials have been employed both in a staircase built of sustainable yield redwood and Trex, and in a retaining wall constructed from concrete test cores. Re-used doors were integrated into a protected dining area.

Other garden attractions:
- The gardeners like the aesthetic of naturally aging materials in this rustic retreat from a busy street corner.
- Rock cascade in the back provides the soothing sound of splashing water.

Gardening for Wildlife: A log pile provides shelter for wildlife, and a bird bath and fountain provide water. Numerous songbirds use the trees and feeders. An avocado trunk was left as a snag and runway for squirrels.