Steve Anderson's Garden
Gardening experience: 4 years at this location
Garden size: 400-square-foot garden in front, 250-square-foot garden in back
Showcase feature: The front garden, designed by Jim McKissock of Earthcare, features native plants found on nearby Albany Hill. This garden shines in spring, when exuberant buttercups, clarkia, lupines, and poppies bloom over native bunchgrasses. In back, spring brings a jumble of annual native wildflowers: baby blue eyes, bird's eye gilia, Chinese houses, five spot, goldfields, and tidy tips. Adjacent to this meadow is a collection of locally found shrubs.

Other garden attractions:
- Seed collected from this garden has been used in restoration projects.
- The front garden was "scraggly turf" before the conversion.
- Raised beds in the back garden provide drainage.
- Check out the small native plant nursery in the back.

Gardening for Wildlife: A variety of bees, butterflies, spiders, moths, hoverflies, and dragonflies frequent the garden.
Plants sold or given away: Free local native plants while supplies last.