Merry West’s Garden
Gardening experience: 3 years
Years gardened at this location: garden was installed in July 2004
Size: 6,000 square feet
Showcase feature:This delightful garden, which was designed to attract wildlife of the winged sort, also attracts wildlife of the two-legged variety. Now a peaceful oasis, filled with a diversity of native plants carefully selected by the gardener for their value to wildlife, the garden was created from former large front and back lawns and a tangle of non-native trees. While the plants were chosen by Merry, the plant placement, design, installation were performed by landscaper Jim Minder.

Other garden attractions:
- Water bill has been reduced since the garden was planted with natives.
- Stepping stones and bricks from the former landscape were reused.
- Thick mulch helps to control weeds.
- The gardener considers this garden her legacy.

Gardening for Wildlife: This garden full of berries (coffeeberry, snowberry, lemonade berry, toyon, and ribes), which attract a variety of birds. In addition to the berries, a diversity of native plants, three bird feeders, and a bird bath have created a haven for wildlife. The garden is now visited by goldfinches, pine siskins, titmice, and hummingbirds (which love the penstamen), White crowned sparrows, which the gardener had never seen in the garden until the native plants were brought in, are a welcome sight. Hummingbirds and “jillions” of butterflies are also frequent visitors to this wildlife-friendly garden.