Kat Weiss’ Garden
Gardening experience: 5 years
Years gardened at this location: 1.5 years
Size: 3,000 square foot front garden (front only is on the tour)
Showcase feature:In September of 2004, the front lawn was covered with cardboard and five inches of wood chips; shortly after that it was planted with shrubs and perennials from the chaparral and oak woodland plant communities. The plants will receive no summer water after the first couple of years. The straight concrete walkway was removed and reused in a wall in the back garden. The new cvurving path was made with recycled plastic header board, Arizona sandstone, and California Gold Fines. This garden was designed and installed by the gardener, owner of Kat Weiss Landscape Design.

Other garden attractions:
- Wood chips were donated by a tree service.
- The soil was horribly compacted and devoid of life.
- Compost is used as fertilizer.
- Black oaks have been planted to transition out the existing birch and provide succession plant community.
- Weeds are pulled by hand (an easy job, with the mulch).
- Check out the 'before' photos.

Gardening for Wildlife: Penstemon, California fuschia, hummingbird sage, coffeeberry, native grasses, manzanita, several ribes, and California lilac provide food, shelter, and nesting areas for a variety of birds, native bees, honeybees, and butterflies. Hummingbirds, finches, robins, doves, and songbirds now visit the garden.