California Native Bee Garden
Years gardened at this location: 3 years
Lot size: 15’x 70’ (1050 square feet)
Showcase feature: An Eden for pollinators, this fascinating garden has worked phenomenally, attracting more than 40 of Berkeley’s 76 species of native bees. This experimental garden, designed for the sole purpose of assessing the attractiveness of a variety of plants to native bees, is overseen by Dr. Gordon Frankie, an entomologist at UC Berkeley and a man with an unparalleled and inspiring passion for nature’s most prolific pollinators, be they bright green bees, small black bees, striped bees, or fuzzy ones. Dr. Frankie will be available throughout the day to answer questions, and he will also lead tours of the garden every hour on the hour.
This bee-friendly garden contains plants that flower at different times of the year, provide pollen and nectar for bees both big and small, attract butterflies and other beneficial insects, and are compost if they don’t bring in the pollinators. One of the research results: native bees adore native plants, preferring them to exotics by a ratio of four to one.
Other garden attractions:
- A few free bee plants will be offered to early visitors.
- A collection of California native bees will be available for viewing, as will a list of the plants that attract bees and a reference collection of native bees.
- By making simple adjustments and additions gardeners can provide food, shelter, and nesting areas for California's native bees. Ask Dr. Frankie which plants attract the most buzz.
- Check out this delightful Urban Bee Garden website: